Can You Burn Strain to Attack Again Ffg

Some equipment features special qualities that add variety and depth to the vast assortment of armaments in the Star Wars universe. Some special qualities are inherent to certain items, while others are full general qualities that can be applied by the Game Master to specifically tailor an item to the story.

Special qualities are generally either passive or active. Passive qualities are always on and require no activation on the part of the user. Active qualities must be triggered by the user, often by spending i or more than Reward to activate the consequence.

Item qualities usually have a number associated with them. This is their rating. Ratings affect qualities in dissimilar means, depending on the quality in question.

Active qualities require two Reward to actuate unless otherwise stated in their clarification. Weapon qualities can just trigger on a successful attack, unless specified otherwise.


  • 1 Authentic (Passive)
  • ii Auto-Fire (Active)
  • 3 Blast (Agile)
  • 4 Breach (Passive)
  • 5 Fire (Active)
  • 6 Concussive (Active)
    • 6.1 Staggered
  • vii Cortosis (Passive)
  • 8 Cumbersome (Passive)
  • 9 Defensive (Passive)
  • ten Deflection (Passive)
  • eleven Disorient (Active)
    • 11.ane Disoriented
  • 12 Ensnare (Agile)
    • 12.ane Immobilized
  • 13 Guided (Agile)
    • 13.1 Silhouette Comparison
  • 14 Knockdown (Active)
  • 15 Inaccurate (Passive)
  • 16 Inferior (Passive)
  • 17 Ion (Passive)
  • 18 Limited Ammo (Passive)
  • xix Linked (Agile)
  • 20 Pierce (Passive)
  • 21 Prepare (Passive)
  • 22 Slow-Firing (Passive)
  • 23 Stun (Active)
  • 24 Stun Harm (Passive)
  • 25 Sunder (Active)
  • 26 Superior (Passive)
  • 27 Tractor (Passive)
  • 28 Brutal (Passive)

Accurate (Passive) [ ]

Accurate weapons are easier to aim or wield, whether through design or engineering science. For each level of this trait, the assailant adds 1 blue to his attack dice pools while using this weapon.

Auto-Burn down (Agile) [ ]

A weapon with Motorcar-fire can be fix to shoot in rapid succession and potentially spray an area with bolts, flechettes, slugs, or other types of projectiles. The advantage in using Auto-fire is that it has the gamble to striking multiple targets or hitting a unmarried target multiple times.

Attacking with a weapon on Auto-fire is by and large less accurate, and the aggressor must increment the difficulty of the assail check by 1 purple dice. The user may choose to not use the Auto-fire quality on a weapon; in this case, he cannot trigger the quality but also does not suffer the same penalty.

If the attack hits, the assaulter can trigger Auto-burn by spending 2 Advantages Auto-fire can exist triggered multiple times. Each fourth dimension the attacker triggers Autofire, it deals an additional hit to the target. Each of these counts as an additional hit from that weapon, and each hitting deals base of operations damage plus the number of uncanceled success on the cheque.

These additional hits can be allocated to the target, or to other targets inside range of the weapon. If the aggressor wishes to hit multiple targets, he must deci to practise and so earlier making the check. Furthermore, if h wishes to hit multiple targets, his initial target must always be the target with the highest difficulty and highest defense (if this is two separate targets, the GM chooses which target is the initial target). The initial hit must e'er be against the initial target. Subsequent hits generated can be allocated to any of the other designated targets.

Car-fire weapons tin can also activate one Critical Injury for each hit generated on the attack per the normal price; the Disquisitional must target the target of the specific hit.

Blast (Active) [ ]

The weapon has a large spread, an explosive smash, or similar area of effect, like the detonation of a grenade or a warhead fired from a missile launcher. If the set on is successful and Nail activates, each character (friend or foe) engaged with the original target suffers damage equal to the weapon's Boom rating (plus an boosted wound per success every bit usual).

In a relatively minor and enclosed area, the Game Master might decide that everyone in the room suffers harm.

If the Blast quality doesn't activate, the ordnance still detonates, but bad luck or poor aim on the part of the firer (or quick reactions on the part of the victims) means the explosion may not take hold of anyone else in its radius. However, the user may besides trigger Blast if the attack misses by spending 3 advantages. In this case, the original target and every target engaged with the original target suffers damage equal to the Blast rating of the weapon.

Alienation (Passive) [ ]

Weapons with Breach fire through the toughest armor, and are often heavy weapons or starship weapons.

Breach weapons ignore ane point of armor for every rating of Alienation (meaning they also ignore 10 points of soak for every rating of Breach).

Burn (Active) [ ]

Weapons with Burn inflict damage over time. If the set on is successful, the target continues to suffer the weapon's base of operations damage each round for a number of rounds equal to the weapon'southward Burn rating. Impairment is applied at the commencement of each of the target's turns.

A victim might be able to stop the harm by rolling around on the ground and making an Agility cheque equally an action. This is an Boilerplate (ii purple dice) Coordination check on hard surfaces such as the hall of a spaceship, or an Like shooting fish in a barrel (1 regal die) Coordination check on grass or soft ground. Jumping into a torso of water stops the harm immediately. Both situations assume the flame is from actual combustion rather than a chemical reaction. With the latter, there is commonly picayune the victim tin can do.

Concussive (Active) [ ]

The weapon'southward set on can go out the target shell-shocked from mighty blows or punishing Shockwaves, unable to perform whatsoever but the virtually bones actions. The target is staggered for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Concussive rating. A staggered target cannot perform actions.

Staggered [ ]

A staggered graphic symbol cannot perform actions (including downgrading deportment to maneuvers). Well-nigh effects that stagger a graphic symbol last for a set duration. If a gear up duration is not specified, the staggered outcome lasts until the end of the graphic symbol's next turn. If a character is staggered multiple times, each instance increases the total duration of the effect by the case's specified duration, just may not increase the total duration across the telescopic of the present see.

Cortosis (Passive) [ ]

Cortosis is an ore principally found in the Outer Rim. It is extremely rare and valuable, and was used primarily during the Clone Wars against the Jedi Knights. There are 2 varieties of Cortosis ore. The rarest versions can actually brusque out a lightsaber's blade, causing it to fail temporarily. The far more common Cortosis ore is still a miraculous substance, because when molded into armor, it forms an interlocking molecular bond that is extremely resistant to energy weapons.

Weapons with the Cortosis quality are allowed to the Sunder quality. Armor with the Cortosis quality makes the wearer's soak immune to the Pierce and Breach qualities.

Cumbersome (Passive) [ ]

A Cumbersome weapon is big, unwieldy, awkward, or heavy. To wield a Cumbersome weapon properly, the character needs a Brawn characteristic equal to or greater than the weapon'south Cumbersome rating. For each point of Brawn by which the character is deficient, he must increase the difficulty of all checks made while using the weapon by 1.

Defensive (Passive) [ ]

Defensive weapons are peculiarly good at fending off incoming melee attacks. A character wielding a weapon with the Defensive quality increases his melee defense by the weapon's Defensive rating.

Deflection (Passive) [ ]

An particular with the Deflection quality increases the wearer's ranged defense equal to its Deflection rating.

Disorient (Agile) [ ]

A weapon with Disorient tin can daze an opponent. When Disorient is triggered, the target is disoriented for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Disorient rating. (A disoriented target adds 1 black die to all skill checks he performs.)

Disoriented [ ]

A disoriented character adds i black dice to all checks he makes. Most furnishings that disorient a graphic symbol last for a set duration. If a set duration is non specified, disorientation lasts until the cease of the character's next plough. If a graphic symbol is disoriented multiple times, each instance increases the total elapsing of the outcome by the instance's specified elapsing, but may not increase the total duration across the scope of the present encounter.

Ensnare (Active) [ ]

A weapon with Ensnare binds a foe and restricts his movements. When Ensnare is triggered, the target is immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the weapon'southward Ensnare rating. An Ensnared target may endeavour a Difficult (3 purple dice) Athletics bank check every bit his action on his turn to break free from the effect. (An immobilized target cannot perform maneuvers.)

Immobilized [ ]

An immobilized character cannot perform maneuvers (including maneuvers purchased via strain or spending an advantage)- Most effects that immobilize a character last for a set up duration. If a set duration is non specified, immobilization lasts until the end of the grapheme's next turn. If a character is immobilized multiple times, each instance increases the total duration of the effect by the instance's specified duration, but may not increase the total elapsing beyond the scope of the nowadays meet.

Guided (Active) [ ]

Certain types of projectiles, such as guided missiles, may benefit from course alterations later on being fired. If a character misses while firing a Guided weapon and if Guided is activated, he may make an set on check at the end of the round. The difficulty of the cheque is calculated by comparing the weapon's silhouette of 0 to the silhouette of the target, and the check's dark-green die equal the weapon'south Guided rating. If the test is successful, the weapon strikes the target, and damage is dealt normally.

Guided requires iii advantages to activate, unless otherwise specified in the weapon's description. Call up, the Guided effect tin activate on its subsequent attacks, representing the projectile continuing to rails the target.

"Spoofing" is a countermeasure designed to work against a item type of projectile, such as flares designed to draw off infrared missiles. Spoofing directly increases the defense of the target against attacks with the Guided quality.

Silhouette Comparison [ ]

Difference in Silhouette Difficulty
Firing vessel has a silhouette two or more points smaller than the target vessel. Easy (1 Purple dice)
Firing vessel has the aforementioned silhouette as target, or the silhouette is 1 larger or smaller than the target. Boilerplate (2 Purple die)
Firing vessel has a silhouette 2 points larger than the target ship. Hard (3 Purple dice)
Firing vessel has a silhouette 3 points larger than the target ship. Daunting (iv Imperial dice)
Firing vessel has a silhouette 4 or more points larger than target ship. Formidable (5 Purple dice)

Knockdown (Agile) [ ]

When knockdown triggers, the target is knocked prone.

Unless specified otherwise, Knockdown requires 2 advantages to trigger, plus one additional advantage per silhouette of the target across one.

Inaccurate (Passive) [ ]

Inaccurate weapons are weapons of a shoddy or junior construction, which means they are less likely to be accurate or precise. Alternatively, the weapon'due south nature may inhibit accuracy. Inaccurate weapons add 1 black die to the assailant'south dice pool equal to their Inaccurate rating.

Inferior (Passive) [ ]

An Inferior item is a lackluster instance of its kind, representing shoddy and poor craftsmanship. An Inferior weapon generates automated 1 disadvantage on all checks related to its use, and has its base of operations damage decreased past one. Inferior armor has its encumbrance increased by 1 and its defense decreased by i. If it does not have defence, decrease its soak value past 1, to a minimum of zero.

Ion (Passive) [ ]

Ion weapons are designed to touch electrical systems instead of dealing raw harm. They are fitted to ships to knock out opponents' shields, sensors, and engines. They are shorter range than laser weapons and bargain larger amounts of impairment, but their damage is dealt to the target (usually a vehicle) as system strain. The damage is however reduced by armor and soak. Droids are afflicted by ion weapons, taking damage to their strain threshold.

Limited Ammo (Passive) [ ]

Some weapons burn particularly large or complex projectiles that price meaning numbers of credits or are themselves a consummate weapon that, once launched, is expended. A weapon with the Limited Ammo quality may be used to make a number of attacks equal to its Express Ammo rating before it must be reloaded with a maneuver. In addition, each shot expends one of a limited number of rounds of ammo, which, once used, must be purchased or otherwise obtained before firing the weapon again. This also applies to grenades and other "one employ" weapons that have the Limited Ammo ane quality (here, the user is non "reloading" the grenade, but drawing another to use—but mechanically they are equivalent).

Linked (Active) [ ]

Some weapons, similar the laser cannons fitted to the Ten-wing, are designed to burn down together at the same target. This increases the possibility of a hitting as well as the damage dealt. When firing a linked weapon, on a successful assail, the weapon deals one hit. The wielder may spend 2 advantages to gain an boosted striking, and may do so a number of times equal to the weapon's Linked rating. Additional hits from the Linked weapon beingness used may only be applied confronting the original target. Each hit deals the weapon's base damage plus the full uncanceled successes scored on the check.

Pierce (Passive) [ ]

An attack made with this weapon ignores ane point of soak for each rank of Pierce. If the weapon has more ranks of Pierce than the target's full soak, it completely ignores the target'south soak. For example. Pierce iii against a soak of 2 ignores 2 points of soak, but the extra "point" of Pierce has no further effect.

Prepare (Passive) [ ]

Weapons with this quality require time to ready before being used. The user must perform a number of preparation maneuvers equal to the weapon's Prepare rating before making attacks with that weapon.

Tedious-Firing (Passive) [ ]

Wearisome-Firing weapons tend to be big, heavy, emplacement-mounted weapons like the turbolasers found on capital ships or planetary defense ion cannons. While they deal incredible damage, they need fourth dimension to recharge or absurd down betwixt shots. A weapon's Slow-Firing rating dictates how rapidly the weapon can be fired afterwards an assault. For example, a heavy turbolaser with Slow-Firing 2 must wait 2 rounds after being fired before it can be fired again.

Stun (Active) [ ]

A weapon with Stun deals strain to the target. When the Stun quality is activated, it inflicts strain equal to the weapon'due south Stun rating.

Stun Damage (Passive) [ ]

Some weapons bargain Stun harm instead of regular damage. In this case, the weapon deals impairment every bit strain instead of wounds. This damage is still reduced past a target's soak.

A variant of this is a Stun setting. Equally an incidental, the wielder can choose to switch the setting of his weapon to "Stun." In this example, it does Stun damage as described in a higher place. When weapons with a Stun setting are used to deal Stun damage, their range changes to short and cannot be increased.

Sunder (Active) [ ]

When activated, the assaulter chooses one item openly wielded by the target (such as a weapon, shield, or particular on a belt). That item is damaged one step: to pocket-sized if undamaged, from minor to moderate, or from moderate to major. If a weapon already suffering major damage is the target of a successful Sunder, information technology is destroyed.

Sunder requires i reward to activate. If activated multiple times in the same set on, each activation can be applied against the same weapon, potentially taking a weapon from undamaged to destroyed in a single assail.

Superior (Passive) [ ]

A Superior item is a sterling example of its kind, representing masterful craftsmanship. A Superior weapon generates automatic 1 advantage on all checks related to its use, and has its base damage increased past ane. Superior armor has its encumbrance reduced by i and its soak value increased past 1.

Weapons that possess the Superior quality, non as an Attachment or Modification, already have the impairment factored into their profile. e.thousand. the H-7 "Equalizer" Blaster Pistol causes seven damage with a unmarried, uncancelled Success, non vii+1. This was confirmed by Sam Stewart on the FFG Forums when a developer was direct asked:


Tractor (Passive) [ ]

Instead of firing searing beams of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation fire or crackling ion discharges, this weapon fires relatively harmless electromagnetic beams that ensnare ships and hold them fast in space. Tractor beams, similar all weapons, are fired at their target using the appropriate skill cheque (generally Gunnery) with all suitable modifiers. One time the weapon hits its target, the target may not move unless its airplane pilot makes a successful Piloting check with a difficulty equal to the tractor beam's rating. The tractor axle'southward rating is e'er noted in parentheses in the weapon'south stats, side by side to the quality.

Savage (Passive) [ ]

When this weapon scores a Critical Injury or Hit, the character adds ten times the Cruel rating to the Critical whorl. With Brutal 3, for case, the victim adds + 30 to his Critical Hit result.


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