Nearly people volition notice that they pick up cuts and bruises from time to fourth dimension. Maybe you lot cut yourself on a plant while gardening, perhaps you grab your knee on the corner of the bed and become a nasty bruise. Most of us will cut our fingers while cooking from time to time.

Most of the time, this is par for the course. We have become used to these modest injuries, and will commonly be fine going about our day one time the initial daze has worn off.

How to Tell if I Need Stitches?

But just because cuts and bruises are commonplace, that doesn't mean they tin always be ignored! In fact, in some cases, cuts can be extremely serious. Not only practice these present a risk of infection (specially depending on what caused the cut), just they can as well lead to heavy blood loss.

In the latter scenario, y'all may need stitches. But how exercise y'all know when it's fourth dimension to visit the medico?

Improve Condom Than Sorry

The first piece of advice to accept on lath, is that information technology is better to be rubber than lamentable.

In other words, if you Googled whether or non you should get stitches, in that location is probably a good chance that yous exercise demand stitches – or should at least become a second stance from an expert who can advise you on that discipline.

For that reason, it is no harm to go and speak to a physician who can likewise address any other potential bug such as signs of infection. They tin can help deal with the pain, and if it'southward nothing – so they will just send you habitation.

Simply with that said, hither is some guidance that can help you to tell if you might need stitches yourself.

The Cutting is Deep

If the cut is very deep, then your body will take a hard time to clot it and heal on its own. Your blood will increase viscosity when you hurt yourself and direct more blood to the surface area. This is intended to clot and to help bind the area together – but in that location is only and then much your torso can practise.

Equally such, if the cut is more than a quarter of an inch deep, then y'all should probably go stitches.

You Can See Bone or Fat

If you lot can run across os, fat, or other deep torso structures (such as veins) then getting stitches is important. Not only does this suggest that the cut is very deep again, but information technology can besides put you at risk of further complexity and harm should anything get within the wound.

This tin be a very unpleasant sight, and it will exist more enough to prompt most of us to see a professional person very rapidly anyhow!

As well, you probably don't demand me to tell you this: but if any part of yous is hanging off (such as the tip of a finger) and so y'all should human action quickly and go stitches!

The Cut is Over a Joint

Whether or non you need stitches is not e'er a question of how deep or severe the cut is. In some cases, you might need a sew together considering the cut is over a joint such as a knuckle. This is because the area volition proceed angle, which will constantly pull the two sides of the wound open. This prevents the body from existence able to heal, without the assistance of stitches or medical mucilage.

The Cut is in a Visually Sensitive Area

If you have a cut on your confront that has the potential to look unattractive, then you should get stitches. This will assistance to ensure that the cut heals with the most symmetry possible and that will in turn minimize the aesthetic impact of the injury.

The Cut Won't Stop Bleeding

In general, if the cut doesn't stop bleeding, then you should become stitches. Blood loss can be serious and if you can't stem the tide, and so stitches will help you to heal more speedily. Apply pressure for fifteen minutes and if you are still haemorrhage, consider speaking with a physician.

That said, employ some logic too: if this is a modest shaving cut then you tin make an exception!

Urgent Care Omaha Walk-In Clinics and in Bellevue, NE

Our staff works to provide prompt, personal, and professional care for all of our patients. We strive to provide the attention patients need in as quick a time as possible. Urgent Care Clinics in Omaha & Bellevue, Nebraska has three locations in the Omaha metropolitan expanse. Our iii walk-in clinics are:

  • Rockbrook Urgent Intendance
  • Crossroads Urgent Intendance
  • Bellevue Urgent Care

The information contained on this webpage is for educational purposes every bit well as to provide general information and full general understanding of the pertinent medical issue only, not to provide a specific diagnosis. This data is not intended to be a substitute for professional person medical communication. By using this blog/web site you understand there is no doctor patient relationship between you and the blog/spider web site publisher. The information included on this site should not be used every bit a substitute for medical advice from a licensed medical professional in your land. Neither Urgent Care Network, its subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees or successors in interest, nor any other party assume liability for loss or damage due to reliance on content of this web log/web site. If you are experiencing a severe medical issue, y'all should seek emergency aid immediately.

Seasonal Allergies